5 to 7 Billion Years from Now
- The sun will enter the red giant phase, growing 256 times its current size as it exhausts its hydrogen and helium fuel.
5 Million Years Later
- The red giant will engulf Mercury and Venus, sweeping through the inner solar system.
- Earth’s carbon cycle will collapse due to extreme heat, preventing the replenishment of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Plant and Animal Extinction
- The absence of carbon dioxide will kill plants, halting oxygen production.
- Oxygen levels will plummet, leading to the extinction of mammals and birds.
- Insects, requiring less oxygen, will persist for a short time but will eventually succumb.
Microbial Dominance and Tardigrades
- As temperatures continue to soar, only microbial life will endure.
- Tardigrades, resistant to extreme radiation and heat, will be the last survivors.
Extreme Environmental Changes
- Surface temperatures will exceed 2,400 K (2,130°C or 3,860°F), triggering severe rain, wind, and environmental destruction.
- Earth’s atmosphere will evaporate, and the surface will be covered in metal and metal oxides, rendering it uninhabitable.
Loss of Water and Tectonic Activity
- Oceans will boil away due to the intense heat.
- With no water, Earth’s tectonic plates will cease to move, leaving the planet geologically inactive.
7.6 Billion Years from Now
- The red giant sun will engulf Earth and the moon, annihilating the planet.
- A new habitable zone will form in the Kuiper Belt, far beyond Neptune.
- Icy worlds like Triton (Neptune’s moon) and the dwarf planet Eris will thaw, providing liquid water and potential sites for human colonization.
Long-Term Future of the Sun
- 1 Quadrillion Years Later
- The sun will evolve into a black dwarf, a cold, Earth-sized remnant of its former self, devoid of light and heat.
The Future of Humanity
While Earth meets its demise, the outer solar system may offer new opportunities for survival. Colonies on Neptune’s moon Triton or the dwarf planet Eris could become humanity’s last hope as these regions enter the new habitable zone. The distant future may see humans thriving on these celestial bodies, carrying forward the legacy of Earth.